Tuesday, 13 March 2018

LO1: Analysis of different scripts (P1)

Language and angle of the article

In the script for the film Fight Club the mode of address they are using is peer to peer as the coding used is restricted and relates to the characters in the film, although the script doesn't start off as very chatty as the protagonist 'Jack/Tyler' is explaining through his language what kind of man he is this is more parent to child as he is using restricted and elaborate coding but the majority of the film is peer to peer. The beginning of the script is a narrative talking to the audience rather than the storyline starting with characters talking to each other this contrasts with the script from the documentary Blackfish as although this is a documentary and are usually formal speaking this is informal and starts off with a storyline of Tilikum the captive killer whale although the storylines were complete opposite to the script of fight club as there was no hard facts in it because it isn't a documentary genre.

The script for the radio drama Clare in the community is also similar to the script for Fight club as the mode of address is peer to peer as both are meant to entertain then audience than anything else which differs to the Blackfish script as although this has a narrative it is not only to entertain the audience but inform them too about what was happening at SeaWorld,having the purpose to inform and entertain fits the mode of address for this script because the language differs using elaborate coding as it shows complexing language which would be more understandable to a specific audience who are interested in documentaries, having it entertain the audience is more difficult to compare the mode of address because it is a mixture of teacher to pupil and peer to peer as they are using hard evidence to inform the audiences.

From the following scrips for example Fight Club you can tell from the narrative that it is a drama/ comedy with the target audience having an age of around 18-30 as its more a black comedy meaning the    spending power is those of an C2DE class as the storyline is hard hitting and relates to an audience of that spending power and demographics. The gender which would relate to the script would be seen as more a males film as it is about fighting which is stereotypically a males interest rather than women however i would say from the script its target audience is male and female. This contrasts to the documentary of the script for Blackfish as the target audience would attract a wider audience starting from 17-40 as at this age you are more understanding about what goes in industry for example SeaWorld. The spending power is complete opposite to the film Fight club as the film is based on entertaining the audience rather than informing which blackfish does therefore is would suit an ABC1 social grade as stereotypically they are more informed about whats happening in the world as they have more money and would have visited such places as SeaWorld and help contribute to captivity of the killer whales. The target audience gender would be more female as they are usually more interested in documentaries such as animal related ones which is drastically different to the film Fight Club.

The mode of address for the flowchart for the Maze game is peer to peer as the purpose of the game is to entertain the audience, from the flowchart you can tell it is a game for a younger teen audience around 15-24 attracting more males than females, the spending power would be a C2DE as they are typically more familiar with games like this. The flowchart shows the basics of what options you can follow in the game so there is no language what can be seen as a different mode of address for example showing that it is peer to peer like "check collisions" the language here is restricted coding as there is no language what can be seen as elaborate as there target audience starts from a young age so they need to be able to easily understand it. This is in comparison to the scripts for the screenplays Fight club, Blackfish, Clare in the community and Beast from the East as none of them use flowcharts.

Format and layout

In the script for Fight club the font is similar to other traditional conventions to a usual script with the font in courier and the size looks like a 12 to be seen easily and was one of the fonts available when scripts were first being made, this differs to my other scripts for example Blackfish and the script for BBC radio Sheffield as they both have different fonts and sizes, this breaks the rules of a traditional script. The script from BBC radio Sheffield about the beast from the east is a radio script and so they have some different conventions. My scripts found are all screenplays as they have a narrative in, however my computer game script differs to this because it isn't written similar to the screenplays as they use storyboards and flowcharts, for example in the script for Maze games they use a flowchart to display the possible steps gamers can choose when playing and is set out very clear for the coder to code the options in. Screenplays all show the importance of new characters so what there age is, background etc. this is important for the actors so they know what they will be playing, however on the scripts I have found we don't see information about this on the script for Blackfish and The beast from the east as the actors aren't introduced as much as they are in the film Fight Club because of the narrative and the actors needing to know how they will look in comparison to Beast from the East as it is a radio interview show the personnel being interviewed won't be seen via a radio.

A lot of personnel in the film industry use scripts in productions of making a film for example Actors, Camera and sound operators, Director, Director of photography, Editor who would also use a storyboard. These type of people would read the scripts I have chosen like Fight club, Blackfish and beast from the East. The script for Fight Club differs abit from the Blackfish script as it is known as a shooting script with camera/sound work on it and the script for Blackfish doesn't include these as much as they do on Fight club this may because it is a documentary film with a very different narrative from Fight club. The script from the Beast from the East is an interview program and differs from the other scrips like Clare in the community although they are both radio programs they use different conventions having presenters sections being set out to the left in Clare in the community which is a typical convention of where the characters names should be this is because it is more clear for the actors to read there lines having this to the left in capitals, However In The beast from the east the presenters names are at the top before the dialogue starts introducing who the presenter is interviewing this is because it is only him reading this script and not the man being interviewed. 

All scripts that have visuals in them have stage/ location directions, for example in my script for Fight club the stage directions like INT/EXT, location, time of day are wrote on the left hand side this is very important for set designers and producers making it clear for them to know what is happening in each scene. Although radio dramas don't have visuals in the location would be important as the sound operators need to create ambient sound to fit in with the storyline location is, this is seen in the script for Clare in the community as when they enter a bar it has to the left hand side in bold capitals "Bar noise" this makes it clear for the audience to know where the characters are, although sound effects are typical justified to the right this script and the script for Fight club break these rules.

The script/flowchart for the Maze game doesn't feature a synopsis at the start telling us what the story is about the let the player knows what going on this might because this game is seen as a simple game like Pac man which was usually just a quick game instead of a combat action game with storylines similar to fallout or final fantasy. 

Three act script

A three act script is made up of 3 sections, the beginning, middle and end. Think links to Todorovs Equilibrium theory of 1997 that states most narratives or plot lines follow the same pattern, with 5 steps in the pattern. The first being Equilibrium, this is where everything fine and displaying a happy start. So in the script for Clare in the community the equilibrium starts off as normal and happy, however is the script for Fight club they don't follow these rules as they start off with disequilibrium first starting off with the last act and having the equilibrium being at the end, although they don't follow the same steps Todorov talks about this could make it attracts a wider audience and having a more interesting narrative to it with no linear three act script. The second part in the pattern is called the Disequilibrium, this is where something starts to go wrong for example in the script for Blackfish this also starts off with the bad part as it breaking the order of the three act script although further on through the script thee is an equilibrium, this has worked in its favour of being a documentary because although it is to entertain it is also informing the audience straight away on what the film is really about and what Sea world has done. The third part of the equilibrium theory is the recognition, this is when everyone realises the problem and starts to fix it, in all my scripts we don't get to see an example of this but for fight club for example the recognition is when Tyler starts to realise something isn't right, although the film doesn't follow Todorov's theory exactly it worked out as successful as it is because of  the narrative and script. the fourth part in the equilibrium is the resolution which leads to the ending, for example in the flowchart for the maze games there is options which result to the ending of the game as "continue moving in same direction until blocked" this shows that theres an attempt to win the game or lose it and the game will finish as a new equilibrium. The last step of the equilibrium is the new equilibrium this is where everything has been resolved and normality can resume again, for example in the script for fight club the new resolution is where Tyler finds out he's been talking-to himself and him and Marla end up together at the top of a skyscraper while the bomb explodes, although this wouldn't be seen as a happy ending for the stereotypical script It is still following the theory and having a new equilibrium.

The three act script structure for a TV show/film differs from the structure of a computer game script or radio show because in certain TV show or films we get a more thorough narrative compared to a radio show this is because radio shows are usually shorter than films, however they quite similar in the order they go in as they are typically linear, although as discovered above some films aren't always linear and stat as the disequilibrium first. Game scripts follow the equilibrium because it is easier for the player to concentrate on the game when the layout is more easy to understand.


All my scripts follow different narrative structures, for example my script for the film Fight club would follow a non-linear structure and a multi-stranded this is where there is more than one central character, this is shown in the script as we see throughout the film the main protagonists Tyler and Jack although they end up to be the same people it is focused on them more than anyone else. The script for Fight club is also non-linear as it isn't told in the order of events and the equilibrium theory as it stats of at disequilibrium.

A linear script would be the documentary film Blackfish, although this starts off as disequilibrium for the first couple of minutes it is explaining whats happened for the story to begin at how bad SeaWorld is, the rest of the script is told in the order of events to make it easier to understand for the audience as the film is more based on informing them than anything else.

Clare in the community would be classed as a single stranded script as Clare is the one central character and is following around her life and her friends, although there is more than one character they aren't portrayed as a main character like she is. Having a single stranded narrative is can be seen as more popular to a certain audience as it is focusing on one personas life rather than everyone so the audience get more attached, this is also similar to the hit film Bridget Jones diary as we are following round the life of Bridget.

The script we see from BBC radio Sheffield talking about the beast from the East is classed as a running order, most radio shows have a running order of stories/features. They are told by the '5Ws' (Who, what, where, why, when) for example we see at start of the script there is the 'what' this reads "snow response" telling us what the interview is about. There is then a 'where' this says that it is based at the "studio", we then get a 'who' stating the names of "Shaffaq Mohammed and Richard Cadey" as the script starts they start to explain the 'why' of why there is a discussion about the interview. Although there is no date we get to see a glimpse of what the council had done back in 2010 which relates to the interview response.

The computer maze game flowchart script would follow a single stranded narrative as the audience(player) is following around his character and typically defeating everyone else, this narrative is most commonly used in every video/computer game


The film Fight club is a fiction film as it isn't based on a real story and although it has relatable events and a social grading of C2DE it is still fiction. The script for Blackfish is classed a non fiction film as it based on real life events although it isn't a documentary similar to David Attneborugh the whole film is real life based. The script for Clare in the community is a fiction animation as it isn't real life based. The radio show from BBC radio Sheffield is also non- fiction because it I talking about real life events for example the Beast from the East. Finally for flowchart script for the maze games is also fiction.

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