Tuesday 22 May 2018

LO3: Production of the Script

The style of the script for ON20 FM is a magazine show, therefore it talks about the likes of celeb gossip, latest news, plays popular music within the demographics and other conventions of a magazine show. The style of the written script is also very similar to the script for Sheffield Live as we use all the same conventions of a typical script however change it to suit our intended audience.

The content within our script for ONE20 FM features articles of the presenters talking about news- one of the news story features Evie talking about traffic updates which are relatable to the young target audience- the way the content is spoken in uses peer to peer mode of address and local slang, this fits the brief of producing a local based radio show based on this. It also features weather updates which are useful for every radio show as the presenters are informing the audience within useful news but also entertaining them with the mode of address the use.

We also talk about competions within our script- an example is a question the audience have to text in their answer for a chance to win, it features a question about a Sheffield native band this is interesting for the local based audience as it will get a lot of texting in with listeners answers as everyone will know it due to it being a local station to Sheffield- with a prize of £100 worth of vouchers to a bar this will be popular with the audience. 

As one of our themes for the radio show we talk about confessionals, this is more content which is entertaining for the audience. This theme is popular within the young audience as they find them funny to listen to and texting in with one of your confessionals could bag the audience with a chance of winning tramlines tickets- this also makes the confessionals more interesting with having a prize for the funniest ones. 

A main feature within our radio show is the celebrity gossip, this is talked about near the end of our 5-10 minute show as the presenters talk about famous celebrities such as Cardi B and Khloe Kardashian which will be entertaining to the audience as they are very well known and everyone will want to hear about their gossip.

The narrative throughout our radio show is mostly talking about confessionals which is our theme for that particular show, the narrative follows the presenters as they introduce themselves to the audience of the new show and what they will be expecting for this, featuring music along the way with biggest hits and throwbacks which are to get the audience wanting to tune in every week this follows a good narrative for a radio show which is sure to be popular for its target audience range. 

The genre of writing for our script is the use of colloquial language which is chatty and usually informal in a talk show drama based genre- the drama is based of the theme of confessionals the celebrity gossip. The mode of address is also peer to peer throughout our radio script which shows the genre of drama as it is relatable to the audience throughout them listening.

When producing our script we had a team effort of finishing off the final script to get it perfect. Evie wrote the news articles and sourced them from the internet, while Shauna wrote the chatty main parts of the script which was from start to beginning and Hannah wrote the adverts. This shows the team effort we put in together and we all created the three jingles used.

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LO3: Evaluation of the script

Overall, I believe our script for the radio show ONE20 FM meets the requirements of the brief as in the brief it states to create a new radi...